Mile-a-Minute Invasive Plant Pull on Wild Oak Trail (see poster)
Trail user groups and naturalists are forming a posse to eliminate a patch of fast-spreading, invasive Mile-a-Minute Vine on the Hankey Mountain portion of Wild Oak National Recreation Trail.
When: Saturday, June 3, 10:00 a.m.- 3:00. p.m.
Please arrive at the patch any time between 10 and 3 and pull this unwanted plant for 1 hour. We need 50 people to get the job done. (Rain date: June 4.)
Where: Wild Oak Trail on Hankey Mountain - GPS Coordinates: 38.312029, -79.227457
Who: Hikers, bikers, trail runners, and equestrians who use Wild Oak Trail. Many hands make light work, so the more, the merrier. We will all learn to identify Mile-a-Minute and be able to report new occurrences.
When: Saturday, June 3, 10:00 a.m.- 3:00. p.m.
Please arrive at the patch any time between 10 and 3 and pull this unwanted plant for 1 hour. We need 50 people to get the job done. (Rain date: June 4.)
Where: Wild Oak Trail on Hankey Mountain - GPS Coordinates: 38.312029, -79.227457
Who: Hikers, bikers, trail runners, and equestrians who use Wild Oak Trail. Many hands make light work, so the more, the merrier. We will all learn to identify Mile-a-Minute and be able to report new occurrences.
How: Hike, bike, run or ride to the mountaintop with a group or by yourself. We are coordinating 4WD truck rides to the site in the morning, starting at North River Campground and departing between 9:00 and 11:00 a.m. Be sure to bring garden or work gloves, We recommend long pants and long sleeved shirts. There may be some ticks; you may want to spray your shoes and pant legs with permethrin in advance.
Both PATC - Southern Shenandoah Valley and Charlottesville chapters are organizing group hikes to the site. Experts will be on hand from 10 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. to instruct volunteers on how to identify Mile-a-Minute and assign each person an area to pull. Why is this important? Mile-a-Minute will spread rapidly if not controlled. It can completely cover and overwhelm native plant communities and kill trees. Let's nip this infestation in the bud! |
So, please hike, run, bike or register for a truck ride to Hankey Mountain on June 3. Bring a pair of work gloves, pull for an hour, and then continue on your way with a good feeling of having helped evict this notorious plant from the Shenandoah Mountain area.
Together we can do this!
Read more:
Deceptive and Crafty Invasive MILE-A-MINUTE VINE Grows Faster than a Speeding Bullet, Murders Trees and Shrubs
Questions? Contact Lynn Cameron or (540) 830-4524
Together we can do this!
Read more:
Deceptive and Crafty Invasive MILE-A-MINUTE VINE Grows Faster than a Speeding Bullet, Murders Trees and Shrubs
Questions? Contact Lynn Cameron or (540) 830-4524