References on the Ecology of Shenandoah Mountain
This list of references was compiled for Friends of Shenandoah Mountain by Jennifer Courtwright, Adjunct Instructor, James Madison University
Banning, J. L., A. L. Weddle, G. W. Wahl III, M. A. Simon, A. Lauer, R. L. Walters, and R. N. Harris. 2008. Antifungal skin bacteria, embryonic survival, and communal nesting in four-toed salamanders, Hemidactylium scutatum. Oecologia 156:423–429.
Becker M.H., R.M. Brucker, C.R. Schwantes, R.N. Harris, K.P.C. Minbiole. 2009. The bacterially-produced metabolite violacein is associated with survival in amphibians infected with a lethal disease. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 75:6635-6638.
Becker, M. H., R. N. Harris. 2010. Cutaneous bacteria of the redback salamander prevent morbidity associated with a lethal disease. PLoS One 5(6): e10957. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0010957
Berger-Bishop, L. E., and R. N. Harris. 1996. A study of caudal allometry in the salamander Hemidactylium scutatum (Caudata: Plethodontidae), Herpetologica 52: 515-525.
Bletz, M.C., R.N. Harris. 2013. Occurrence of Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis in Notophthalmus viridescens in northwestern Virginia, USA. Herpetological Review, in press.
Bodkin N. L., J. L. Reveal. 1982. A new variety of Trillium pusillum (Liliaceae) from the Virginias. Brittonia 34:141-143.
Bodkin N. L., J. L. Reveal. 1983. A new population of Trillium pusillum var. monticulum Bodkin and Reveal (Liliaceae). Castanea :155-157.
Carreno, C. A., T. J. Vess, and R. N. Harris. 1996. An investigation of kin recognition abilities in larval four-toed salamanders, Hemidactylium scutatum (Caudata: Plethodontidae). Herpetologica 52: 293-300.
Carreño, C. A., and R. N. Harris. 1998. Lack of nest defense behavior and attendance patterns in a joint nesting salamander, Hemidactylium scutatum (Caudata: Plethodontidae). Copeia 1998:183-189.
Cheever B. M., K. S. Simon. 2009. Seasonal influence of brook trout and mottled sculpin on lower trophic levels in an Appalachian stream. Freshwater Biology 54:524-535.
Courtwright J. & May C.L. 2013. Importance of terrestrial subsidies for native brook trout in Appalachian intermittent streams. Freshwater Biology, 58, 2423-2438.
Flint, W.D. 2004. Ecology and conservation of the Cow Knob salamander, Plethodon punctatus. Masters thesis. James Madison University Department of Biology.
Flint, W. D., and R. N. Harris. 2005. The efficacy of visual encounter surveys for population monitoring of Plethodon punctatus (Caudata: Plethodontidae). Journal of Herpetology 39:578-584.
Fraser D. F. 1976. Empirical evaluation of the hypothesis of food competition in salamanders of the genus Plethodon. Ecology :459-471.
Hack J. T. 1973. Stream-profile analysis and stream-gradient index. J.Res.US Geol.Surv 1:421-429.
Hack J. T., J. C. Goodlett. 1960. Geomorphology and forest ecology of a mountain region in the central Appalachians. US Government Printing Office Washington, DC, .
Hack, J. T. 1973. Stream-profile analysis and stream-gradient index. J. Res. US Geol. Surv, 14: 421-429.
Harris, R. N. 1981. Intrapond homing behavior in Notophthalmus viridescens. Journal of Herpetology 15: 355-356.
Harris, R. N. 2005. Hemidactylium scutatum. In Amphibian Declines: The Conservation Status of United States Species, edited by M. Lannoo, University of California Press, pp. 780-781.
Harris, R. N. 2008. Body condition and order of arrival affect cooperative nesting behaviour in four-toed salamanders Hemidactylium scutatum. Animal Behaviour 75:229-233.
Harris, R. N., and D. E. Gill. 1980. Communal nesting, brooding behavior, and embryonic survival in four-toed salamanders Hemidactylium scutatum. Herpetologica 36: 141-144.
Harris, R. N., and P. M. Ludwig. 2004. Resource level and reproductive frequency in female four-toed salamanders, Hemidactylium scutatum (Caudata: Plethodontidae). Ecology 85:1585-1590.
Harris, R. N., T. J. Vess, J. I. Hammond, and C. J. Lindermuth. 2003. Context-dependent kin discrimination in larval four-toed salamanders Hemidactylium scutatum (Caudata: Plethodontidae). Herpetologica 59:164-177.
Harris, R. N., T. Y. James, A. Lauer, M. A. Simon, A. Patel. 2006. The amphibian pathogen Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis is inhibited by the cutaneous bacteria of amphibian species. EcoHealth 3:53-56.
Harris, R. N., W. W. Hames, I. T. Knight, C. A. Carreno, and T. J. Vess. 1995. An experimental analysis of joint nesting in the salamander Hemidactylium scutatum (Caudata: Plethodontidae): the effects of population density. Animal Behaviour 50: 1309-1316.
Hess, Z. J., and R. N. Harris. 2000. Eggs of Hemidactylium scutatum (Caudata: Plethodontidae) are unpalatable to insect predators. Copeia 2000: 597-600.
Highton, R. (2009) Microgeographic Protein and Morphological Variation in the Woodland Salamanders Plethodon hoffmani and Plethodon virginia, and Hybridization Between the Two Species, pp. 59-100, in S. M. Roble and J. C. Mitchell (eds.). A Lifetime of Contributions to Myriapodology and the Natural History of Virginia: A Festschrift in Honor of Richard L. Hoffman’s 80th Birthday. Virginia Museum of Natural History Special Publication, No. 16, Martinsville, VA.
Hill L. M. 1976. Morphological and cytological evidence for introgression in Aster acuminatus Michx. in the southern Appalachians. Castanea :148-155.
Hoffman R. L. 1950. Records of Picea in Virginia. Castanea 15:55-58.
Hudy M., J. A. Coombs, K. H. Nislow, and B. H. Letcher. 2010. Dispersal and within-stream spatial population structure of brook trout revealed by pedigree reconstruction analysis. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 139:1276-1287.
Hudy M., T. M. Thieling, N. Gillespie, and E. P. Smith. 2008. Distribution, status, and land use characteristics of subwatersheds within the native range of brook trout in the eastern United States. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 28:1069-1085.
Jacobsen, C.D. 2019. Influence of climate change and prescribed fire on habitat suitability and abundance of the high-elevation endemic Cow Knob Salamander (Plethodon punctatus). Masters thesis. West Virginia University.
Jacobsen, C.D., Brown, D.J. , Flint , W.D., Pauley, T.K. , Buhlmann, K.A. and Mitchell, J.C.. 2020. Vulnerability of high-elevation endemic salamanders to climate change: A case study with the Cow Knob Salamander (Plethodon punctatus). Global Ecology and Conservation 21, e 00883.
Jamison, J. A. and R. N. Harris. 1992. The priority of linear over volumetric caudal regeneration in the salamander Plethodon cinereus. Copeia 1992:235-237.
Kochel R. C., D. F. Ritter, and J. Miller. 1987. Role of tree dams in the construction of pseudo-terraces and variable geomorphic response to floods in Little River Valley, Virginia. Geology 15:718-721.
Lauer, A., M. A. Simon, J. L. Banning, B. La*, and R. N. Harris. 2008. Diversity of cutaneous bacteria with antifungal activity isolated from female four-toed salamanders. The ISME Journal 2: 145–157.
Lawrey J. D. 1996. Lichen biomonitoring program in the George Washington and Jefferson National Forests: a survey of lichen floristics and elemental status
McCoy, K. A., and R. N. Harris. 2003. Integrating developmental stability analysis and current amphibian monitoring techniques: an experimental evaluation with the salamander, Ambystoma maculatum. Herpetologica 59: 22-36.
McMullen C. K., N. L. Bodkin. 1986. Additions to the Vascular Flora of Rockingham County, Virginia. Castanea 51:216-220.
Mitchell, J. C., Rinehart, S. C., Pagels, J. F., Buhlmann, K. A., & Pague, C. A. 1997. Factors influencing amphibian and small mammal assemblages in central Appalachian forests. Forest Ecology and Management 96: 65-76.
O'Laughlin, B.E., and R. N. Harris. 2000. Models of metamorphic timing: an experimental evaluation with the pond-dwelling salamander Hemidactylium scutatum (Caudata: Plethodontidae). Oecologia (Berlin) 124: 343-350.
Osterkamp W., C. Hupp, and M. Schening. 1995. Little River revisited—thirty-five years after Hack and Goodlett. Geomorphology 13:1-20.
Robinett, L. and S. J. Baedke. 2009. A karst hydrologic investigation of the North River and its tributaries, Shenandoah Valley, Virginia. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs p.42.
Roble S. M. 2004. Notes on an autumn roost of an eastern small-footed bat (Myotis leibii). Banisteria 23:42-44.
Roe, G. F. 1984. A Flora of Hone Quarry, Rockingham County, Virginia. Virginia Journal of Science 35:265-279.
Stephenson S. L., H. S. Adams. 1989. The high-elevation red oak (Quercus rubra) community type in western Virginia. Castanea :217-229.
Stewart R. E. 1943. A comparative study of the breeding bird population of the Shenandoah Mountains, Virginia. The Auk 60:388-396.
Vaglia, J. L., S. K. Babcock, and R. N. Harris. 1997. Tail development and regeneration throughout the life cycle of the four-toed salamander, Hemidactylium scutatum. Journal of Morphology 233:15-29.
Vess, T. J. and R. N. Harris. 1997. Artificial brooding of salamander eggs. Herpetological Review 28:80.
Wahl, G. W. III, R. N. Harris, and T. Nelms. 2008. Nest site selection and embryonic survival in four-toed salamanders, Hemidactylium scutatum (Caudata: Plethodontidae). Herpetologica 64:12-19.
Webb J. R., B. J. Cosby, F. A. Deviney, J. N. Galloway, S. W. Maben, and A. J. Bulger. 2004. Are brook trout streams in western Virginia and Shenandoah National Park recovering from acidification? Environmental science & technology 38:4091-4096.
Wells, C. S., and R. N. Harris. 2001. Activity level and the tradeoff between growth and survival in the salamanders Ambystoma jeffersonianum and Hemidactylium scutatum. Herpetologica 57: 116-127.
Whiteley A.R., Coombs J.A., Hudy M., Robinson Z., Nislow K.H. & Letcher B.H. 2012 Sampling strategies for estimating brook trout effective population size. Conservation Genetics 13: 625-637.
Wiggins B., R. Andrews, R. Conway, C. Corr, E. Dobratz, D. Dougherty, J. Eppard, S. Knupp, M. Limjoco, and J. Mettenburg. 1999. Use of antibiotic resistance analysis to identify nonpoint sources of fecal pollution. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 65:3483-3486.
Banning, J. L., A. L. Weddle, G. W. Wahl III, M. A. Simon, A. Lauer, R. L. Walters, and R. N. Harris. 2008. Antifungal skin bacteria, embryonic survival, and communal nesting in four-toed salamanders, Hemidactylium scutatum. Oecologia 156:423–429.
Becker M.H., R.M. Brucker, C.R. Schwantes, R.N. Harris, K.P.C. Minbiole. 2009. The bacterially-produced metabolite violacein is associated with survival in amphibians infected with a lethal disease. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 75:6635-6638.
Becker, M. H., R. N. Harris. 2010. Cutaneous bacteria of the redback salamander prevent morbidity associated with a lethal disease. PLoS One 5(6): e10957. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0010957
Berger-Bishop, L. E., and R. N. Harris. 1996. A study of caudal allometry in the salamander Hemidactylium scutatum (Caudata: Plethodontidae), Herpetologica 52: 515-525.
Bletz, M.C., R.N. Harris. 2013. Occurrence of Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis in Notophthalmus viridescens in northwestern Virginia, USA. Herpetological Review, in press.
Bodkin N. L., J. L. Reveal. 1982. A new variety of Trillium pusillum (Liliaceae) from the Virginias. Brittonia 34:141-143.
Bodkin N. L., J. L. Reveal. 1983. A new population of Trillium pusillum var. monticulum Bodkin and Reveal (Liliaceae). Castanea :155-157.
Carreno, C. A., T. J. Vess, and R. N. Harris. 1996. An investigation of kin recognition abilities in larval four-toed salamanders, Hemidactylium scutatum (Caudata: Plethodontidae). Herpetologica 52: 293-300.
Carreño, C. A., and R. N. Harris. 1998. Lack of nest defense behavior and attendance patterns in a joint nesting salamander, Hemidactylium scutatum (Caudata: Plethodontidae). Copeia 1998:183-189.
Cheever B. M., K. S. Simon. 2009. Seasonal influence of brook trout and mottled sculpin on lower trophic levels in an Appalachian stream. Freshwater Biology 54:524-535.
Courtwright J. & May C.L. 2013. Importance of terrestrial subsidies for native brook trout in Appalachian intermittent streams. Freshwater Biology, 58, 2423-2438.
Flint, W.D. 2004. Ecology and conservation of the Cow Knob salamander, Plethodon punctatus. Masters thesis. James Madison University Department of Biology.
Flint, W. D., and R. N. Harris. 2005. The efficacy of visual encounter surveys for population monitoring of Plethodon punctatus (Caudata: Plethodontidae). Journal of Herpetology 39:578-584.
Fraser D. F. 1976. Empirical evaluation of the hypothesis of food competition in salamanders of the genus Plethodon. Ecology :459-471.
Hack J. T. 1973. Stream-profile analysis and stream-gradient index. J.Res.US Geol.Surv 1:421-429.
Hack J. T., J. C. Goodlett. 1960. Geomorphology and forest ecology of a mountain region in the central Appalachians. US Government Printing Office Washington, DC, .
Hack, J. T. 1973. Stream-profile analysis and stream-gradient index. J. Res. US Geol. Surv, 14: 421-429.
Harris, R. N. 1981. Intrapond homing behavior in Notophthalmus viridescens. Journal of Herpetology 15: 355-356.
Harris, R. N. 2005. Hemidactylium scutatum. In Amphibian Declines: The Conservation Status of United States Species, edited by M. Lannoo, University of California Press, pp. 780-781.
Harris, R. N. 2008. Body condition and order of arrival affect cooperative nesting behaviour in four-toed salamanders Hemidactylium scutatum. Animal Behaviour 75:229-233.
Harris, R. N., and D. E. Gill. 1980. Communal nesting, brooding behavior, and embryonic survival in four-toed salamanders Hemidactylium scutatum. Herpetologica 36: 141-144.
Harris, R. N., and P. M. Ludwig. 2004. Resource level and reproductive frequency in female four-toed salamanders, Hemidactylium scutatum (Caudata: Plethodontidae). Ecology 85:1585-1590.
Harris, R. N., T. J. Vess, J. I. Hammond, and C. J. Lindermuth. 2003. Context-dependent kin discrimination in larval four-toed salamanders Hemidactylium scutatum (Caudata: Plethodontidae). Herpetologica 59:164-177.
Harris, R. N., T. Y. James, A. Lauer, M. A. Simon, A. Patel. 2006. The amphibian pathogen Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis is inhibited by the cutaneous bacteria of amphibian species. EcoHealth 3:53-56.
Harris, R. N., W. W. Hames, I. T. Knight, C. A. Carreno, and T. J. Vess. 1995. An experimental analysis of joint nesting in the salamander Hemidactylium scutatum (Caudata: Plethodontidae): the effects of population density. Animal Behaviour 50: 1309-1316.
Hess, Z. J., and R. N. Harris. 2000. Eggs of Hemidactylium scutatum (Caudata: Plethodontidae) are unpalatable to insect predators. Copeia 2000: 597-600.
Highton, R. (2009) Microgeographic Protein and Morphological Variation in the Woodland Salamanders Plethodon hoffmani and Plethodon virginia, and Hybridization Between the Two Species, pp. 59-100, in S. M. Roble and J. C. Mitchell (eds.). A Lifetime of Contributions to Myriapodology and the Natural History of Virginia: A Festschrift in Honor of Richard L. Hoffman’s 80th Birthday. Virginia Museum of Natural History Special Publication, No. 16, Martinsville, VA.
Hill L. M. 1976. Morphological and cytological evidence for introgression in Aster acuminatus Michx. in the southern Appalachians. Castanea :148-155.
Hoffman R. L. 1950. Records of Picea in Virginia. Castanea 15:55-58.
Hudy M., J. A. Coombs, K. H. Nislow, and B. H. Letcher. 2010. Dispersal and within-stream spatial population structure of brook trout revealed by pedigree reconstruction analysis. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 139:1276-1287.
Hudy M., T. M. Thieling, N. Gillespie, and E. P. Smith. 2008. Distribution, status, and land use characteristics of subwatersheds within the native range of brook trout in the eastern United States. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 28:1069-1085.
Jacobsen, C.D. 2019. Influence of climate change and prescribed fire on habitat suitability and abundance of the high-elevation endemic Cow Knob Salamander (Plethodon punctatus). Masters thesis. West Virginia University.
Jacobsen, C.D., Brown, D.J. , Flint , W.D., Pauley, T.K. , Buhlmann, K.A. and Mitchell, J.C.. 2020. Vulnerability of high-elevation endemic salamanders to climate change: A case study with the Cow Knob Salamander (Plethodon punctatus). Global Ecology and Conservation 21, e 00883.
Jamison, J. A. and R. N. Harris. 1992. The priority of linear over volumetric caudal regeneration in the salamander Plethodon cinereus. Copeia 1992:235-237.
Kochel R. C., D. F. Ritter, and J. Miller. 1987. Role of tree dams in the construction of pseudo-terraces and variable geomorphic response to floods in Little River Valley, Virginia. Geology 15:718-721.
Lauer, A., M. A. Simon, J. L. Banning, B. La*, and R. N. Harris. 2008. Diversity of cutaneous bacteria with antifungal activity isolated from female four-toed salamanders. The ISME Journal 2: 145–157.
Lawrey J. D. 1996. Lichen biomonitoring program in the George Washington and Jefferson National Forests: a survey of lichen floristics and elemental status
McCoy, K. A., and R. N. Harris. 2003. Integrating developmental stability analysis and current amphibian monitoring techniques: an experimental evaluation with the salamander, Ambystoma maculatum. Herpetologica 59: 22-36.
McMullen C. K., N. L. Bodkin. 1986. Additions to the Vascular Flora of Rockingham County, Virginia. Castanea 51:216-220.
Mitchell, J. C., Rinehart, S. C., Pagels, J. F., Buhlmann, K. A., & Pague, C. A. 1997. Factors influencing amphibian and small mammal assemblages in central Appalachian forests. Forest Ecology and Management 96: 65-76.
O'Laughlin, B.E., and R. N. Harris. 2000. Models of metamorphic timing: an experimental evaluation with the pond-dwelling salamander Hemidactylium scutatum (Caudata: Plethodontidae). Oecologia (Berlin) 124: 343-350.
Osterkamp W., C. Hupp, and M. Schening. 1995. Little River revisited—thirty-five years after Hack and Goodlett. Geomorphology 13:1-20.
Robinett, L. and S. J. Baedke. 2009. A karst hydrologic investigation of the North River and its tributaries, Shenandoah Valley, Virginia. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs p.42.
Roble S. M. 2004. Notes on an autumn roost of an eastern small-footed bat (Myotis leibii). Banisteria 23:42-44.
Roe, G. F. 1984. A Flora of Hone Quarry, Rockingham County, Virginia. Virginia Journal of Science 35:265-279.
Stephenson S. L., H. S. Adams. 1989. The high-elevation red oak (Quercus rubra) community type in western Virginia. Castanea :217-229.
Stewart R. E. 1943. A comparative study of the breeding bird population of the Shenandoah Mountains, Virginia. The Auk 60:388-396.
Vaglia, J. L., S. K. Babcock, and R. N. Harris. 1997. Tail development and regeneration throughout the life cycle of the four-toed salamander, Hemidactylium scutatum. Journal of Morphology 233:15-29.
Vess, T. J. and R. N. Harris. 1997. Artificial brooding of salamander eggs. Herpetological Review 28:80.
Wahl, G. W. III, R. N. Harris, and T. Nelms. 2008. Nest site selection and embryonic survival in four-toed salamanders, Hemidactylium scutatum (Caudata: Plethodontidae). Herpetologica 64:12-19.
Webb J. R., B. J. Cosby, F. A. Deviney, J. N. Galloway, S. W. Maben, and A. J. Bulger. 2004. Are brook trout streams in western Virginia and Shenandoah National Park recovering from acidification? Environmental science & technology 38:4091-4096.
Wells, C. S., and R. N. Harris. 2001. Activity level and the tradeoff between growth and survival in the salamanders Ambystoma jeffersonianum and Hemidactylium scutatum. Herpetologica 57: 116-127.
Whiteley A.R., Coombs J.A., Hudy M., Robinson Z., Nislow K.H. & Letcher B.H. 2012 Sampling strategies for estimating brook trout effective population size. Conservation Genetics 13: 625-637.
Wiggins B., R. Andrews, R. Conway, C. Corr, E. Dobratz, D. Dougherty, J. Eppard, S. Knupp, M. Limjoco, and J. Mettenburg. 1999. Use of antibiotic resistance analysis to identify nonpoint sources of fecal pollution. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 65:3483-3486.