Videos and Podcast
Listen to what some of our friends have to say about the Shenandoah Mountain Proposal.
Macson McGuigan, an environmental sustainability and digital media major at Eastern Mennonite University, produced this video on Shenandoah Mountain for his senior project. It features spectacular footage of Shenandoah Mountain and local people talking about what makes Shenandoah Mountain special, threats to the area, and why protection is needed.
Tom Johnson talks about the history and status of the Great Eastern Trail with particuar reference to the Carr Mountain segment which is under construction and Shenandoah Mountain, his favorite section.
Garlan and Sylvia Yoder, owners of the Buckhorn Inn, talk about their historic 200-year old bed and breakfast. Garlan voices support for the Shenandoah Mountain Proposal.
Deb Sensabaugh, Chair of Virginia Back Country Horsemen of America and also Chair of Golden Horseshoe Back Country Horsemen, talks about Wilderness and trail maintenance.
Salamander ecologist Billy Flint discusses salamander diversity on Shenandoah Mountain and takes us on a field trip. Dave Burns, co-owner of Sole Source in Harrisonburg, talks about the economic benefits of a Shenandoah Mountain National Scenic Area.
Biologist Dr. Jim Murray discusses his love of the outdoors and hunting near Little River, a proposed wilderness area in Augusta Co.
This Virginia Outdoor Adventures Podcast features Lynn Cameron, Co-Chair of Friends of Shenandoah Mountain, talking about outdoor recreation opportunities and giving an update on our campaign to designate Shenandoah Mountain as a National Scenic Area.
Nancy Sorrells, local historian, talks about the tradition of Shenandoah Valley farmer sending their cattle to Shenandoah Mountain to graze for the summer, a practice that began with the early settlers in the 1720s and ran to the 1950s.
Norris Campbell talks about coon hunting in the George Washington National Forest with black and tan hounds and tells a coon story.
JMU Chemistry Professor Dan Downey conducts fieldwork with his research group at Hone Quarry Lake and talks about water quality on Shenandoah Mountain. He is accompanied by Dr. Daniel Lundberg from Gallaudet University.
Environmental writer Chris Bolgiano talks about the history and ecology of Shenandoah Mountain at High Knob Fire Tower.
Betty Gatewood, watercolorist and science teacher, talks about observing and documenting native plants on Shenandoah Mountain.
Thomas Jenkins, co-owner of Shenandoah Bicycle Co. in Harrisonburg, VA, gives a business owner's perspective on the Shenandoah Mountain Proposal.