The Atlantic Coast Pipeline route passes across the Braley Pond-Hankey Mountain area next to our proposed Shenandoah Mountain National Scenic Area, diminishing scenic viewsheds, degrading recreational resources, damaging wild brook trout streams, and fragmenting interior forest habitat.
Click on this new story map:
Proposed Shenandoah Mountain National Scenic Area and the ACP
See maps and photos, and read about these potential impacts.
You can help:
Write to FERC today and tell them they are required to address significant issues in the Environmental Impact Statement. The Draft EIS does not address impacts to scenic areas, as the Natural Gas Act requires. Without a thorough analysis of impacts to the Proposed National Scenic Area, the Draft EIS does not satisfy NEPA requirements and must be redone.
Comments are due April 10, 2017.
Be sure to reference docket numbers CP15-554. Submit comments through FERC's online system (Click on Documents and Filings and use the eComment feature),
Or send written comments to:
Nathaniel J. Davis, Sr., Deputy Secretary
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
888 First Street NE, Room 1A
Washington, DC 20426
Click on this new story map:
Proposed Shenandoah Mountain National Scenic Area and the ACP
See maps and photos, and read about these potential impacts.
You can help:
Write to FERC today and tell them they are required to address significant issues in the Environmental Impact Statement. The Draft EIS does not address impacts to scenic areas, as the Natural Gas Act requires. Without a thorough analysis of impacts to the Proposed National Scenic Area, the Draft EIS does not satisfy NEPA requirements and must be redone.
Comments are due April 10, 2017.
Be sure to reference docket numbers CP15-554. Submit comments through FERC's online system (Click on Documents and Filings and use the eComment feature),
Or send written comments to:
Nathaniel J. Davis, Sr., Deputy Secretary
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
888 First Street NE, Room 1A
Washington, DC 20426